“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” -- Albert Einstein
Featured Projects
Projects have taken us across the country and around the world. Partners include national and international government agencies, NGOs and universities.
IUCN selected SustainaMetrix to co-lead an episode study review of their Forest Landscape Restoration program, with particular focus on the program's ability to unlock finance for FLR projects.
Our role: C-lead consultant - UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), and granted to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the implementation of the International Forestry Knowledge (KNOWFOR) programme. Jan –July 2017.
The case study revealed that a shift in policy towards unlocking finance in support of forest landscape restoration (FLR) efforts is underway across the globe and operating at different scales. Three narratives were described in this episode study that serve as evidence of this policy change. At each scale, evidence is presented to illustrate that funding provided by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), and granted to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the implementation of the International Forestry Knowledge (KNOWFOR) programme contributed to equipping decision makers and intermediaries with the tools and knowledge they needed to begin unlocking finance to implement forest landscape restoration projects.
SustainaMetrix served as lead consultant to the cChange program, based at University of Oslo in Norway, to conduct the first phase of a developmental evaluation.
Our role: Lead consultant - University of Oslo, Norway, Co-design of a developmental monitoring evaluation and learning framework. May 2017 – January 2018.
Through the creation of a timeline, capturing a large body of knowledge on both climate change and transformation, individuals and organizations identified the patterns and possible responses called for in our changing climate.
SustainaMetrix served as lead consultant to the Luc Hoffmann Institute at a critical time in its development.
Our role: Lead consultant - Luc Hoffmann Institute, Co-design of a developmental monitoring, evaluation and learning framework. September 2015 – January 2017.
SustainaMetrix led a process to co-design and co-create of a custom monitoring, evaluation and learning strategy. The multi-phase project involved working with a range of partners on diverse projects under three research themes: place-based conservation, natural capital and ecosystem services, and sustainable production and consumption. The portfolio included development of a ME&L Strategy for protected areas program adaptation to climate change, testing a ‘big data’ approach to show the links between watershed health and human health, assessing the biodiversity impact of agricultural commodities, and identifying solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of cities. Today, the Institute has a new focus – to deliver fresh perspectives on critical conservation challenges and develop new solutions that deliver real, measurable change with the DME&L as a critical component.
SustainaMetrix served as lead developmental evaluator to conduct a detailed review of the start-up phase of Oceana Canada.
Our role: Lead consultant - Oceana Canada Developmental Evaluation of start-up phase. March – August 2017.
Oceana opened an office in Canada because Canadian fisheries are performing below their full potential. SustainaMetrix examined the Oceana Canada start-up phase and its implementation of the Oceana approach to reform the science-based fishery management process and establish science-based catch limits, reduce bycatch and protect habitat. The external review examined Oceana Canada campaigns for national policies to rebuild fisheries and return Canada’s formerly vibrant oceans to health; reduce the harvesting of depleted fisheries; avoid impacts to other species; and protect key habitat. Recommendations were made to further develop campaigns that address increasing fisheries management transparency and pave the way for recovery of Canada’s depleted fish populations.
Lead consultant - Swedish Marine Research Center (SWEMARC), University of Gothenberg, Sweden. May 2017 – January 2018.
SustainaMetrix co-designed and co-implemented a novel course on Ecological Aquaculture. This PhD course, jointly hosted by the Departments of Biology & Environmental Science and Marine Science at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, was designed to present interdisciplinary methodologies to study the world’s aquaculture ecosystems and their possibilities for sustainability, from both environmental and social perspectives.
Reports and Publications
Capacity Assessment for NOAA
There are seven US Flag Coral Reef jurisdictions: Florida, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Hawaii and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. All manage coral reefs and all face a unique combination of challenges in doing so. We provided NOAA with seven capacity assessments and seven reports analyzing the issues facing each jurisdiction, measuring their capacity to face those challenges and recommendations for building management capacity.
USAID project in Ghana's Western Region
SustainaMetrix co-created and implemented this capacity building project with Stephen Olsen of the Coastal Resources Center at the University of Rhode Island, and with the people of Ghana's Western Region. The Integrated Coastal and Fisheries Governance Initiative, referred to as Hεn Mpoano, was designed as an expression of the ecosystem approach to coastal governance. This called for combining bottom-up with top-down actions, and engaging stakeholders in every phase of its activities.
LOICZ: Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone
Assembling a baseline of understanding is the most important first step when working in the dynamic and rapidly changing coastal zones of the world. We have made this handbook available to all who wish to use it.